1.0.0 06-09-2019
Small patch that fixes some final small issues for the initial release.
- Added more documentation on map editor
- Improved some gun sound effects
- Fixed breaklights being despawned too quickly
- Fixed getting stuck in car in campaign
- Fixed wall visibility in map editor
0.10.2 [OPEN BETA PATCH] 29-08-2019
Another patch that fixes some minor issues and should improve the zombie survival gameplay; The zombie survival gameplay still is kind of unbalanced (mainly because of the ability to freely respawn / no possibility to revive downed teammates), it should be a bit clearer for new players now. More changes will come, but not in a patch - that will be a new version. Here's the changelog for this patch;
- Added bot count to server list
- Added notification showing shop location after surviving the first wave of zombies
- Added notification to vote skip daytime (will be a default integrated feature soon!)
- Changed zombie spawn rate
- Improved zombie SFX
- Fixed double clicking in server list not working right
- Fixed zombie shop deployables (barbed wire was missing)
- Fixed zombie match starting at wrong day
- Removed need to press key to pickup health
- Removed ear-rape after a zombie match where you'd make a lot of kills
0.10.1 [OPEN BETA PATCH] 22-08-2019
You can now always spawn in zombie survival mode - no need to buy new spawns. You don't lose money yet when you die - as the zombies coming at you might be a challenge.. We'll see how this goes. Also prevented issues where you'd be able to buy things that didn't help (e.g. didn't fit, or already full health). Thats fixed! I've improved a bit on the drawing pipelines regarding lights and walls - there's still some more optimisations to be done, but this should help out a bit already.
- Added [BOT] name to bots
- Changed spawning options in zombie survival mode
- Improved chat sound effects
- Improved car sounds effects
- Improved some performance by batching light draw calls together, should improve performance on older machines.
- Improved wall rendering by a lot, lowering VRAM usage, loading times and wall rendering times.
- Fixed wall rendering issue in linux
- Fixed issue when hitting "reload" while holding grenade
- Fixed error in main menu on specific occasions
- Fixed losing money by being able to buy more deployables than you can carry, heal when full health, or repair with 100% base.
0.10.0 [OPEN BETA] 19-08-2019
- Added more default maps
- Changed initial graphic settings - game now starts in max res and fullscreen
- Fixed some texts in lobby
- Removed ability to add bots to zombie match when playing solo
0.9.1 [PATCH] 06-08-2019
- Improved some gore effects
- Improved smoke in main menu
- Improved environmental sound quality
- Improved zooming system in map editor
- Improved text readbility in zombie shop
- Improved footstep speed in campaign
- Fixed zombie sound bug when killing zombies
- Fixed issue when trying to import broken sprite into map editor
- Fixed server crash when repairing base in zombie survival mode
- Fixed various issues with wrong opacity of textures
- Fixed grenade and gore collisions not always happening
- Fixed issue when clicking escape in intro / menu
- Removed environmental sounds in map editormap
0.9.0 [CLOSED BETA] 02-08-2019
- Added vote system
- Added selectable classes
- Added unlockable weapons
- Added customizable classes
- Added static token-based login through Steam
- Added gamma configuration at first boot to make sure the game is not too dark
- Added option for particle amount
- Addes spectate option in zombie game mode
- Added wall optimalisation script
- Added worldwide dedicated servers + support for Ubuntu servers
- Added support for a lot of foreign languages (chat & usernames)
- Added missing skin sprites
- Added support for texture sizes (to support lower end hardware)
- Added new gore sound effects
- Added new sound effects and graphics for zombie game
- Added more information (official & bots) to server listing
- Added double XP for not playing with bots
- Changed zombie mode to use days and time instead of waves
- Replaced default zombie sprites
- Improved server listing + added search and filter
- Improved sound level mixing
- Improved sound loading times
- Improved some texture pages to keep texture swaps down
- Improved performance for drawing sprites
- Improved shadow on player objects
- Improved bots spawning / logic
- Improved text notification readability
- Improved some campaign stuff
- Improved visibility of some notifications
- Improved speed / movement / sound logic of footsteps in multiplayer
- Fixed segfault / hard crash in servers when running a while
- Fixed 3 minor memory leaks
- Fixed issue when joining game in end-game state
- Fixed time of day lighting in multiplayer games not being smooth
- Fixed broken movement logic on very low FPS / ALT+TAB
- Fixed various map loading visual glitches
- Fixed some graphical issues with player skins
- Fixed issue where map editor sprites get placed double
- Fixed icon size in survival shop
- Fixed lagspike on zombie game end
- Fixed glitches with flamethrower
- Fixed sounds from map playing when leaving map
- Fixed displaying of old kill information in new matches
- Fixed pre-game zooming system
- Fixed issue with menu buttons not storing "disabled" option
- Fixed resolution settings acting weird
- Fixed broken usernames and chat with weird characters
- Fixed chat clearning in lobby if pressing Y
- Fixed decal texture issues
- Fixed some skin issues with feet
- Fixed level information not updating correctly
- Fixed various speed issues on lower FPS (car, physics, debug window, car door, getting in / out, camera angle on car, player animations, drift sounds, text speeds, AI speed)
- Fixed some campaign timing in E1M2
- Fixed issue where Max FPS would randomly change
- Fixed graphic glitch with walls when window has no focus
- Fixed delay in map packing
- Removed test vote
- Removed some unused files
- Removed login on username / password / email
- Removed random weapon spawn from DM style games (replaced with classes)
- Removed gamma check for dedicated servers
0.7.2 20-04-2017
- Changed depth at which textures / assets will be initially placed (over instead of under)
- Added possibility to duplicate texture / asset / collider with CTRL+D
- Added Player-Only colliders to mapeditor and maps
- Added possibility to scale assets on X and Y seperately (scale uniform by holding shift)
- Fixed bug where bots all had the same skin
- Fixed crash in map editor when swapping types
- Fixed issue in map editor with textures
- Fixed depth ordering for assets
- Fixed possible bug in main menu when logging in
0.7.1 15-04-2017
- Added steam invites / in-game joining
- Added functional in-game menu
- Added timer / score overview for online game modes
- Added progression bar + leveling system
- Fixed a bug / crash with deployables in zombie survival mode
- Fixed main menu behaviour with escape button
- Fixed main menu text colour bug
- Fixed environment not being sent properly from dedicated servers
- Fixed issue where console would open up in registration (console now is F7)
- Fixed memory leak in lighting engine
- Fixed small issue with lighting engine
- Fixed some smaller bugs in campaigns
- Increased performance of lighting engine
- Tweaked some sound levels
0.7.0 14-04-2017
- Added complete initial campaign
- Added flamethrower
- Added new zombie
- Added deployable setup
- Added barbed wire deployable
- Added lantern deployable
- Added indoor to hospital map
- Added random weather to all maps
- Added doors to car
- Added particle options
- Added realistic smoke to main menu
- Added more sounds to emitter tool
- Added properties in map editor
- Added more light functionality (both in editor and in-game)
- Added notification to teammates dying in zombie survival mode
- Improved in-game HUD
- Improved network validation to prevent issues
- Improved particles
- Improved lagging feet behind player model
- Improved shadow casting from players
- Improved zombie movement (more efficient & looks better)
- Improved light settings in mapeditor
- Improved muzzle flashes
- Improved audio emitter tool in map editor
- Improved debug window
- Improved car graphics
- Improved car physics
- Improved cutscene looks
- Improved balancing of zombie rounds
- Improved zombie survival mode to always be in the dusk + stormy weather
- Improved network performance for fire bits
- Improved pathfinding so that its smoother
- Improved sound levels
- Changed weapon / grenade drops to remain 10 times longer in zombie survival mode
- Fixed earrape when being shot by shotgun
- Fixed issue where hosting people were able to shoot on killed players
- Fixed dropped weapons & money not being shown to newly joined clients
- Fixed some particles misbehaving
- Fixed sound issues when a lot of barbed wire was deployed
- Fixed look of rooftops
- Fixed some graphic glitches with zombies
- Fixed bug where weapon would become invisible for other people if you swapped during reloading
- Fixed dropped weapons, money and grenades not being visible for newly joined players
- Fixed issue where grenade damage could be applied to killed players
- Fixed main menu music issue
- Optimized zombie bodies + made them look nicer
0.6.0 06-12-2017
- In-game performance improvements for assets and custom sprite drawing
- In-game performance improvements for particles
- Added advanced environmental / ambiance system + audio
- Worked on a Wiki page to document features of the map- and asset editor
- New Lobby UI + ability to add bots in lobby
- Added breakable lights to car
- Added skidding to car
- Added doors and in/out animations to car
- Fixed lights showing through roofs
- Fixed GUI in map editor
- Fixed GUI in asset editor
- Fixed wall placement in map editor (walls were invisible in new walls)
- Fixed wall shape calculator in map editor
- Redid hitmarker + headshot + kill sound effects
- Added stat counting on official servers for logged in players
- Clear chatlog and events on joining game
- New chat colours
- Send selected weapon when joining game + fixed bug where too many packets were sent to too many players
- Fixed zombies not running around when they catch fire
- Fixed small walls with nicer shadowmaps
- Fixed shadowmaps on certain walls
- Cleaned up some old rendering logic
- New main menu structure
- Added netcode to boot players
- Added ADD/REMOVE bots from lobby
- Fixed random "Protocol mismatch" error
- Fixed error where # would appear as \# in chat
- Removed some older compatibility code
- Fixed some text not being removed from UI when zombie game mode restarts
- Fixed main menu music timing + fade in
- Fixed sounds continuing to play after leaving game
- Fixed crash with broken "indoor" objects
- Added unique ID to each temp folder of running instance to allow for multiple dedicated servers to run on 1 machine
- Performance improvements for dedicated servers
- Dedicated server will now wait for players automatically before starting a match
- Environmental changes are currently supported, but disabled
- Added in-game debug console
- Fixed performance bug with specific particles
- Bundled 2 default maps with the game
0.5.3 17-10-2017
- Added headshot detection!
- Added simple hints for first time players to explain some controls
- Decreased screen effect when getting hit
0.5.2 15-10-2017
- Fixed FPS drop at end of zombie match
- Fixed completely red zombie HP bar when under 100HP
- Zombie matches now automatically restart at end of match
- Added dedicated zombie survival server
0.5.1 14-10-2017
- Fixed inifinite map download error on certain computers
- Fixed error when joining capture the flag game
0.5.0 13-10-2017
- Added map downloading / uploading back in (new system, much faster & reliable!)
- Added possibility to register / login
- Added possibility to select a custom skin (only for registered players)
- Removed all existing assets to make place for custom assets
- Map editor removes unused assets from map
- Replaced some icons to make them nicer
- Added "special" objects to map - you can now define zombie target + zombie shop as seperate objects
- Increased custom asset loading speed by 80% (love these kind of fixes :3 )
- Added lights into map editor (More additions such as moving lights / particles will be coming!)
- Fixed performance issue with more than 5 lights
- Fixed issue where kills could be counted as assist
- Fixed issue where selected weapons of players were not visible when joining game
- Clear chat and kill logs on new server join / new hosting
- Clear kill logs at end of round / join